Shore’s Future Ready Coaching Services provide coaching and support services to young adults (ages 14 – 22) who are preparing for “life after high school.” Students referred for this service are generally going to their community’s high school where they are working on transition skills and goals, along with completing other academic and educational goals. These services are provided after school or on weekends for those students who need more assistance and in the actual settings where their skills are needed. Examples of activities that Shore Coaches do with students are:
- Assisting students to prepare for job interviews or college information meetings, and accompanying them to interviews or meetings to provide support.
- Working with students and families to match skills and interests with job opportunities. Explore job opportunities by visiting workplaces or arranging to “shadow” employees who are working at jobs of interest.
- Provide coaching on job-sites to assist students in learning new jobs or to problem solve ways to overcome specific obstacles students are experiencing at their jobs.
Future Ready Coaching Services are generally focused and short term, 24 hours, flexibly used and determined by the students and their specific needs. Services can be extended if more time is needed to achieve the students’ intended goals.
For more information or to make a referral, contact us.