Adult Programs

Shore serves adults, ages 22 and beyond, through our Adult Services Day Programs, located in Chelsea, Peabody and Woburn. Participants’ may have complex health needs, multiple disabilities, autism, or emotional and behavioral challenges. Services and activities are personalized to ensure that all individuals are actively engaged in activities and relationships that are meaningful to them.

Shore’s adult day programs provide comprehensive services, including day habilitation (Day Hab) and Community Based Day Supports (CBDS). These programs are designed to support adults with developmental disabilities, offering tailored assistance to meet their unique needs. Day Hab services, financed through MassHealth, focus on enhancing daily living skills and promoting independence. Meanwhile, CBDS, funded by the Department of Developmental Disabilities (DDS), aims to integrate individuals into the community, fostering social connections and personal growth. The majority of our participants benefit from full-day habilitation support, with many receiving a combined approach of Day Hab and CBDS services, ensuring a well-rounded and inclusive experience.

Our adult program activities vary and are driven by individual and family input. The types of scheduled group activities may include:

  • Exercise and movement
  • Art/craft projects
  • Cooking
  • Music therapy
  • Money management skills
  • Social skills
  • Horticultural activities
  • Human Rights and Self Advocacy
  • Book clubs, sports talk, and other social circles
  • Positive Behavior Support activities

Participants are also provided the opportunity to participate in outings, excursions, and volunteer opportunities in the community.

Benefit from strong advocates who truly care about your well-being

Feel accepted, respected and understood

Be supported by friendly and compassionate staff

Discover new interests

Make new friends

Get the encouragement you need to be your best

Improve your skills

Explore your community

Fill your day with a wide variety of meaningful activities

Let your natural abilities and unique gifts shine

Shore Statistics

Individuals from over 50 cities and towns attend Shore programs, resulting in 375 adults attending our 3 adult programs.

Cities and Towns
Adults Attend

Adult Programs FAQ

Have questions? Here are some answers to common questions we get asked.


Learn more about our Adult Services Handbooks, Policies, and Calendar.

staff member and adult individual in a wheelchair dancing


Take a look at our Program Calendar.

Example of a Day at Shore

8:45 – 9:15

Arrive at Shore and get greeted by a staff member. Put belongings away, use the bathroom &/or get assistance with your personal care needs; have something to drink; socialize with friends or work on one of your individualized goals.

9:15 – 10:00

Morning Meeting: Practice communication skills while you orient yourself to the day and what to expect. Get warmed up for the day with a stretching routine and go for a short walk.

10:00 – 11:00

Morning Group Activity – Morning and afternoon groups may be in the community or at the program. You may be working on one of your goals during these activities.

When you walk in you know you’re in a happy, positive environment. The people are amazing.
The staff here are great. They know how to handle everything. They have helped me grow and have helped me be better.

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